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Dynamic Chart Axis Labelling

Organization Name
Emirates National Bank, Dubai
While selecting a specific Month and Financial Year from Global Filter, the sub canvas should display the Current Month, Prior Month, Prior Month -1 and Prior Month -2.
For example, if we have Feb and FY21 selected in global filter, a chart in the existing canvas should display Feb FY21 as the Current Month, Jan FY21 as the Prior Month, Dec FY20 as the Prior Month -1 and Nov FY20 as Prior Month -2. (Considering FY is Jan:Dec)
More details in the attached document
Use Case and Business Need
We have Essbase 21.2 as the data processing engine, and we use OAC DV 6.0 to prepare the dashboards.
The requirement is to achieve the following scenario in DV module and not Enterprise BI or classic BI.
We have Period dimension with individual months, Year dimension with FY years, and a Scenario dimension.
The scenario dimension has members by the name Current Month, Prior Month, Prior Month -1 and Prior Month -2.
They are all dynamically calculated MDX Formulas which gets calculates fine in Essbase.
However, when we display it in OAC DV, it gets displayed as the member names.
Customer would like these names from the scenario dimension to be displayed as the actual month and financial year names based on which month and year we select at the global filter.
More details
Currently, the visual takes the right values for the current and prior months based on the filter selection (due to the mdx calculation at essbase level). However, it still gets displayed with the member names.
Our dashboard is accessed by the CFO office and we would like the business users to see the actual month names and fy names.
(For example, rather than displaying the member name as Prior Month -1, it should be displayed as a month-fy combination like Dec FY20)
Original Idea Number: da61ea596a