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Preserve namespace/owner of DS,connection during DVA package deployment

Under Review

Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):

Ceska Narodni Banka (Czech National Bank)

Description (Required):

We have following requirement, dealing with ownership of data sets, connections objects, which are "transferred" on target OAS environment via DVA package.

But when you apply DVA package on target OAS environment, "artefacts", contained in DVA packages (meaning data sets and connections) does not keep namespace (which is part of unique identifier of DV object along with its name) and owner from OAS environment, where DVA package has been created,

but instead those DV objects are created in target environment with namespace/owner of user who is performing import of DVA packages.

This is unwanted situation for us, since we want to keep on target OAS environment (usually production OAS environment) "ownership" of DV objects from "source" OAS environment (dev/test), despite the fact, that import has been made by someone else (administrator in charge of performing deployment from DEV to PROD).

This is really must requirement for us - this should be either the option of DVA import (in import dialog - keeping namespace/ownerships of DV objects) or (less preferred option, but still acceptable) to have the ability to change (by admin person) namespace/ownership of DV objects (data sets, connections or data flows) afterwards (as operation in UI or via API call - which is still missing in product as well)

Use Case and Business Need (Required):

Beeing able to keep ownership of DV object when deploying from Dev2PROD when deployment is performed (via DVA package) by admin person

Enhancement Request / Service Request:

13 votes

Under Oracle Review · Last Updated


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  • Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Yes, we have run into this problem as well. Our OAC developers create a dataset in our development environment and the when the DVA is exported then imported by a different user the project breaks because the name of namespace of the dataset has changed.

    This has forced us to change our process and give people admin access in our production environment that they otherwise wouldn't have just to be able to keep the namespace of objects the same through all environments.

    Ideally, a dataset wouldn't be tied to a user at all namespace wise.

  • Excellent idea.

  • Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    @Benjamin Arnulf-Oracle HI Ben, glad to hear, that you evaluated this Idea excellent. It is more than 2 years old, so far without much attention by Product Mgmt/Development. So for me this is the sign, that you will take care of it, prioritize it and implement it soon (within thus year to have in next yearly release of OAS for 2025). It is really crucial for enterprise wide DV implementation (as is our case strict with governance/security rules in place). Looking forward to it.



  • @Michal Zima would improvements in the BAR framework be solution here? DVAs are currently focused on individual users managing their own assets. I think the idea here is more about supporting developers and mulit-environment scenarios as much as tweaking DVA behavior.

  • Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    @Bret Grinslade - Oracle Analytics-Oracle Definitely not. We need to have support for incremental deployment of just subset of DV objects (transfer between environments - usually Dev2Prod). BAR is not meant for that. This my perceptions based on the current status of BAR export/import. Or do you plan to make it incremental ? Meaning being able to pick up objects for export and the same when importing ? I would need to know more about your plans with BAR framework (how you call it) .

  • @Michal Zima I think are talking about the same things here. DVA is focused on a personal archiving solution for business users and not working for this scenario. We need a way to promote content between environments -- whether that is DVA or BAR or something else. This is the main capability here if understand the goals outlined by folks in the thread.

  • Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    @Bret Grinslade - Oracle Analytics-Oracle Ok, got it. Yes, improvements in this area should be for admins/developers. Thus in BAR framework, as you mentioned. Thanks.


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