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Data visulaization size of uploading custom map layer


Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):

DB Systel GmbH

Description (Required):

we would like to load a Map Layer from a GeoJSON file in the new OAS 5.9 Data Visualiser

In Answers and Dashboards we were able to import this layer with out any issues, however in the new Data Visualiser mapping functionality, there seems to be a file size limit of 20MB.

Use Case and Business Need (Required):

1) Why is there a 20 MB or 25 MB technical restriction? GeoJSON files are not limited to 20 MB or 25 MB

2) Is there a parameter that one can configure to increase this 20-25 MB limit? (Perhaps one that isn't in the standard installation files).

3) If this TECHNICAL restriction cannot be increased, what does Oracle suggest as workarounds for getting Layers with larger amounts of data into the tool?

Enhancement Request / Service Request:

SR logged 3-26317641451

OAC: Is there a File Size Limit for Uploading Custom Map Layer? (Doc ID 2592343.1)

This document confirms that size limit to upload custom map layers is 20MB.

Customer request is to increase the size of GeoJSON file to higher value.

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