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Auto Terminate long running Query

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Description (Required):
The Doc ID 2783635.1 mentions how to manually kill long running sessions.
But there is there no automated process for handling long running sessions in OAC. For example, to auto kill sessions which are running for 4 hours or 6 hours.
Use Case and Business Need (Required):
There are certain reports which are running for several hours and causing adhoc over head on both the DB and OAC systems. Currently, administrators are either killing the reports on the DB (backend) or through OAC - Manage Sessions link.
If there could be a setting (maybe some timeout parameter introduced) which auto terminates reports/queries running for more than certain time, it would reduce the manual intervention.
Enhancement Request / Service Request:
Hi, This would be great feature to have this enabled in OAC when we have user sessions running for a long time to auto kill and make the application performance stable.
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I'm not sure I understand this one. OAC has a limit of 60 minutes for queries and 10 minutes for RDG queries. User session timeout is usually set based on each organization's security policies, and there is also an OAC user inactivity timeout, which customers can enable. What is the scenario in which you have sessions running for long hours? Are the database queries not being canceled?
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Hi Gabby, Currently we see some performance issues within OAC and noticed that some of the user sessions were running more than 30 minutes and getting cancelled after an hour or equal to 60 mins.Since we cant have user sessions for more than 10 mins it will be good to have option or script to disable OAC sessions running >10mins.
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Hi - Is there a way or option to enable a message notification to users saying that his/her OAC session for a report is running longer than 10 mins / expected time of completion (standard time limit) to suggest user to take some action or alert Admin user to cancel the session to avoid impact on the BI servers.