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Secure and restrict Export Capabilities in Data Visualizer

Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):
Description (Required):
Any export to raw data (CSV, Excel or other) feature should be disable/enabled by role or individual for data visualizer.
Most of our DV Authors are citizen developers. They have the authority to build reports and share them with leadership. The security in RPD allows for this.
They are not permitted to export raw data from queries they may write.
Use Case and Business Need (Required):
Most of our DV Authors are citizen developers. They have the authority to build reports and share them with leadership. The security in RPD allows for this.
They are not permitted to export raw data from queries they may write.
Enhancement Request / Service Request:
Add a configuration in the console for OAC that enables/disables (hides) the different export types for Data Visualizer. This can be Site level, but would be better if it were by role or employee.