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Usage tracking ON/OFF

Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):
Viken Fylkeskommune and NRK
Description (Required):
In OAC it is possible for the users to turn off Usage Tracking (UT) in the account/profile section for an individual user, that means the UT will be very inaccurate since the usage from many users will not appear.
Use Case and Business Need (Required):
The usage tracking can then not be used as a solution where you actually need to trace the use when there is sensitive data (with a personal not to the users of the BI system). For the traceability. It should therefore be possible to turn off the possibility for users to turn off Usage Tracking.
Enhancement Request / Service Request:
SR 3-29954605981 : Usage tracking - possibility to turn off
Interesting, when considering the sensitive nature of systems. However, Usage tracking only has SQL never capture the data.
Bala Guddeti
Principal Analytics Technologist
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True, but you can see what the user has searched for in the SQL, that is enough. Also, the system usage will be extremely inaccurate if many users will not be registered. And all statistics will be wasted because you cannot trust it. What is the point with usage tracking then.
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Till your idea is considered, you could use Filtering the Sensitive users in the modeling layer, or Deleting the sensitive user data based on the Username column trigger on the physical table.
Bala Guddeti
Principal Analytics Technologist
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I am confused. Is this "Usage Tracking" feature the same "Usage Tracking" that is configured to log all visits to dashboards and analyses, and inserts rows into the tables, and is configured on the ../ui/dv/?pageid=systemsettings page?
(usage tracking maximum ros, Logical Query Logging Table... etc... )
I am asking because I set my own profile to "disable" usage tracking" but i still see data when I select from the usage_tracking tables.
(should i have restarted the whole OAC for this to 'apply' ?? )
Marcelo Finkielsztein
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Marcelo Finkielsztein Usage tracking from ../ui/dv/?pageid=systemsettings and your own profile to "disable" usage tracking" are different.
Account >profile > privacy "usage tracking" option will be renamed soon to avoid confusion.
Bala Guddeti
Principal Analytics Technologist
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That makes more sense. Thank you.
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Yes, seems this is a misunderstanding when I entered a SR to support. I also got a new answer saying that it is a different usage tracking, not the one for dashboards and analysis. Just very bad naming which makes it confusing.