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RFQ attachments to be printed in Contract Print report

Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):
Description (Required):
We need to print the RFQ attachments in the Contract (Contract Print PDF) created out of the RFQ
the attachments in RFQ may be
1. attachments in the overview
2. attachments by the supplier to a requirement as a response
3. attachments by the evaluation team when scoring the supplier responses
Use Case and Business Need (Required):
One of our clients needs the provision to print RFQ attachments in the Contract Print PDF of the Procurement Contract created against a supplier, out of the RFQ.
the attachments in RFQ may be
1. attachments in the overview
2. attachments by the supplier to a requirement as a response
3. attachments by the evaluation team when scoring the supplier responses
Enhancement Request / Service Request:
SR number: 3-30099588591