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Connect to OAC Shared Catalog in DV to use analysis as a dataset
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Description (Required):
Just like connecting to Fusion OTBI shared catalog, it would be useful to connect to the OAC shared catalog folder itself and use OAC classic analysis as a source.
Use Case and Business Need (Required):
To modernize the dashboards it would be efficient to use existing OAC shared analysis as a dataset/source. The existing method to do this using the logical SQL ( is not very efficient considering the maintenance
Enhancement Request / Service Request:
It's a good idea to modernize the old Classic Dashboards in Data Visualization.
The advantage is that the classic analysis are correct and error free then you won't have to redo all the tests and for maintenance it's also easier. Think about the fact that the classic analysis takes into account the translations and the data security! If you need new columns it's easier to add them in classic rather than correcting the SQL you copied (
This exists for access to the OTBI catalog of fusion apps so why not for the OAC catalog (see the screenchot)?
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The goal is to use an analysis as a source for a dataset? Basically a reference to the logic sql?
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The goal is to use an OAC analysis as a source for a dataset (not just the logical SQL). If the classic OAC analysis is changed, we want the dataset to be changed too (automatically). Similar to how this is handled when we use OTBI analysis as a source for a dataset.
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We can use OAC shared catalog as well. While creating connection with OAC please use Oracle Applications as connection Type and passing the respective details.
Please check.
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Host name should be OAC url like https://.../analytics
username: OAC username
password: OAC password
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The documentation (see link in my initial post) says: "Don't create or use an "Oracle Applications" connection to connect to your local Oracle Analytics instance. Using a connection to your local instance results in data caching issues and errors in visualizations"
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Yes, now i can see the link. I just created connection and replied.
You are correct. Thanks.