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Ability to change the Date Format in DV for a subject area column
Description (Required):
Need the ability to change the Date Format in DV for a subject area column. Currently we are only able to change the date format for a dataset type of object. If we use the rpd subject area data directly then we are unable to change the date format for the date columns.
Use Case and Business Need (Required):
Business needs to have the ability change the date format of a date column from subject area, from the current default format - MM/DD/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY in DV
Enhancement Request / Service Request: ER
Every organization has a preferred format, when it comes to reporting a date column. This is therefore a much needed feature.
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vote +1
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Btw - there is limitation for setting format of Date column in DV workbook based on data sets as well - see my Idea: . If you are "fighting" with this restriction as well, please vote for this Idea - thanks.
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I hadn't noticed it @Michal Zima , Thanks for making me aware. This option would be of much help too.
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@Jahnavi-Oracle You're welcome.... And thanks in advance for voting for this Idea.
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+1 vote