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Ability to generate SAF-T data extracts in XML format

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It is legally required to submit SAF-T reports in XML Format for EU countries like Norway, Lithuania. Presently Oracle provides option to only generate CSV files that don't meet the statutory and legal SAF-T obligations for each country.
Use Case and Business Need
It is legally required to submit SAF-T reports in XML Format for EU countries like Norway, Lithuania. Presently Oracle provides option to only generate CSV files that don't meet the statutory and legal SAF-T obligations for each country.
More details
It is legally required to submit SAF-T reports in XML Format for EU countries like Norway, Lithuania. Presently Oracle provides option to only generate CSV files that don't meet the statutory and legal SAF-T obligations for each country.
Original Idea Number: 30b9af8188
Will be helpful enhancement.
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yes i agree oracle should be able to proivde XML format of Output to all European countries which are moving to SAFT Reporting