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SAF-T reporting for European countries missing information - Lithuania

Organization Name
Oracle provided SAF-T data extract doesnot meet legal requirement for SAFT reporting in Lithuania as it does not have key vital infomation and columns in VAT and Payment SAFT Extracts, below are the list of columns missing on each report.
1. Number of Entries: Number of economic transactions or events
2. Total Debit : Total debit amount measured in a currency specified in the heading.
3. Total Credit : - Total debit amount measured in a currency specified in the heading.
4. Tax Amount : The tax applied for the GL lines
Please find below the details of the missing columns in payment SAF-T report
1. IBAN Number - IBAN number of bank account.
2. Bank Account Number
Use Case and Business Need
This is a legal and statutory requirement and hence Oracle must provide the missing information on the report.
Original Idea Number: 8d1d830bb8
Good idea.