Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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Access complete dashboard with multiple pages

Manikantan S
Manikantan S Rank 1 - Community Starter

Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):

Johnson Controls Inc

Description (Required):

Problem Statement

The users are not having easy accessibility to Dashboards with multiple pages.

User Story

As a project manager or team member, the user accesses both seeded and custom dashboards with multiple pages for their day to day activities. It is not convenient for the user to navigate to the BI area to access these dashboard every time.

To access either seeded or custom dashboard with multiple pages, the user will have to navigate to menu -> reports and analytics -> Browse Catalog -> navigate to corresponding path. There are too many clicks/steps before the user can access the dashboard with multiple pages every time.

Work around implemented:

None. manually navigating to the BI area.


Capability of accessing dashboard with multiple pages from -

  1. The report and analytics UI- the user should be able to directly access the complete dashboard which has been added as favorite and not just the single page.
  2. The transaction screen (for example, Project -> Project Management -> reports and analytics icon below the Actions icon), the user should be able to add dashboard with multiple pages. Currently only analytics can be added to the list.


Effort saving

Use Case and Business Need (Required):

To access either seeded or custom dashboard with multiple pages, the user will have to navigate to menu -> reports and analytics -> Browse Catalog -> navigate to corresponding path. There are too many clicks/steps before the user can access the dashboard with multiple pages every time.

Also, the current capability of Oracle cloud is to add single analytics or single page dashboard.

Enhancement Request / Service Request:

4 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Andy Hayes
    Andy Hayes Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Completely agree with this in terms of UX and surprised Oracle have not commented on this thread.

    Norfolk run many custom (as well as seeded) OTBI reports and user base have complained about "number of clicks" several times.

    We'd welcome thoughts on how this could be addressed and whether we are missing something or if this is (currently) simply how it is.