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Error: Invalid number format for port number

Error: Invalid number format for port number
Hi everyone. I hope you are all well.
I have another problem with BI Publisher in OBIEE. I have setup a BI Data Model (with a bursting definition) and a Report. I have then attempted to run a report job using the Use bursting definition option selected. I know the email services work as if I don't select "User Bursting Option" I receive an email successfully. I get an error message that looks like this. I have removed URLs for security. I don't have full administration rights. Please could anyone help? Thanks
Error Message
Job Name : POC burst new 1 WF Profile
Job Executed Date : April 21, 2017 1:37:28 PM BST Status
: Job was failed.
View History : ?????
Detail Message:
number format for port number
- java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Invalid number format for port number
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.<init>(
at orac
Could you post your bursting definition?
Edit: A search for this error gives permission related results. Is your administrator able to run jobs without errors?. Also could you post the URL from which you are running the jobs(you can mask the address just the endpoint only is required), is it from /xmlpserver ? One more thing, check if you have the correct default data source and you have the permissions to access the source
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Hi Sherry,
No of course not. How silly. I will retry it.
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ok, is "demo" a valid connection ?
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Hi Sherry
I may need some more deeper administration help to provide the information that you have asked for. I am meeting an administrator tomorrow.
Here is the bursting definition.
Please note that we managed to get a BI Publisher report to send following some other solution that you provided about an 'Unresolved Table Name' error. We actually referenced the subject area name but, I overwrote parameter 1 with a hardcoded email address, to check that BI publisher would send an email. It did which was great. I am now trying to split and deliver the information based on a lookup to a field with email address within it and we encounter this error.