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OTM FTI Access Rights for a user
OTM FTI Access Rights for a user
I'm currently working on implementing OTM and trying to figure why for one user I have this :
and for the other I have this (the user can't see folders from "Ad-hoc queries"):
Is there a specific setting (in FTI...) for accessing this section?
Thanks in advance.
Oh ok but this is directly linked to OTM and not FTI so I already checked, I wanted to see if there was a role in FTI I could change or something like it. I will check again what you tell me but I haven't seen anything corresponding to what I'm looking for, for the moment
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Yes but I don't see anything like "my account"
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I didn't configure (and don't know how to) anything else then their users in OTM this is to say what is below :
How can I see if some user has some denials on accessing the catalog or the personal folder?
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Must be on the top-right, where you see your login/user name
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No idea about these tools, but the simple way from an OBIEE point of view is to click on "my account" for both users and look at the list of groups and application roles and check if the list is strictly the same.
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Isn't it because one of the users also has some denials on accessing the catalog or the personal folder? Both users have exactly the same groups/approles?
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I think I'm not in the good forum actually but if someone know the answer i'm all ears...
Fyi both users have BIADMINSITRATOR
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Hello Antoine,
I also have a problem on FTI. I don't know if it is the same than your because i can't see pictures you put in your post.
Indeed, one of my user can't modify a report on FTI (he can read it only). He has this error (attached file)
I have exactly the same rights than him (on OTM and FTI) and for me it's works.
In OTM : Business Intelligent Roles
Did you have the same problem? If yes how did you correct it?
Thank you very much for your answer