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Total of a field in BI Publisher

Total of a field in BI Publisher
I'm working on a report on which I want to display the total of Transport Handling Units (THU's) validated, currently displaying "0" in my report.
It's the same principle as my field SHIP_UNIT_COUNT (which displays the total of Ship_Unit per Stop in my report) but my field "THU_VALIDATED" is in another Data Set of my Data Model.
These are the codes :
Ship_unit_count (Data set ITEM) : <?sum(current-group()/ITEM[PACKAGING_UNIT_GID='-']/SHIP_UNIT_COUNT)?>
THU_validated (Data set shipment_debrief) : <?sum(current-group()/SHIPMENT_DEBRIEF[PACKAGING_UNIT_GID='-']/THU_VALIDATED)?>
My goal is to change my THU_Validated code so that it works like my other field
n.b : I can't attach any files with my advanced editor but I can send by email if it is necessary.
n.b² :if someone could explain me what the codes above mean exactly that would be great ! I must admit i'm not sure to understand what "/ "are for etc..
I might have missed some information in my post, don't hesitate to ask me.
Can you attach the xml data sample and the template, pls?