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Multiple ERROR DVD
Lenin Valencia
Rank 4 - Community Specialist
Error Running Data Flow nQSError: 46105
I get this error when running a data flow
Does anyone know how to correct it?
[nQSError: 46105] Error al ejecutar el proceso: "C:\Program Files\dvmlruntime\Python-3.5.2\amd64\python.exe" C:\Users\lenin\AppData\Local\Temp\DVDesktop\servers\obis1\tmp\nQS_PAF_11996_3_4618808.TMP
El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado.
[nQSError: 43224] The Dataflow "Bike Renting Training - Linear Regressión" failed during the execution.
[nQSError: 43204] El gestor de trabajos asíncronos no ha podido ejecutar el trabajo asíncrono.
Have you installed DVML on the box where you're executing this data flow ?
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Hi Lalitha,Thanks for your answer, that was correct, i don´t have installed el dvml.I installed the dvml and this work fine.I fixed the error, and the data flow is running.Regards.0