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How to cinvert english name into Arabic name in report

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we have created one report based on the Arabic template but name field is storing in English but we are looking for how to convert English name into the Arabic report 


r13 18D



  • Ron-92886
    Ron-92886 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice



    I think would use a IF function for it in the report (if the fields toe be translated are returning values).
    Else try to do it in the data model, but I think the Arabic is a font thing so the report would be better.
    But I don't have experience with the Arabic font/language.
    Good luck.



  • Koteswararao Yenikepalli
    Koteswararao Yenikepalli Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    I tried at the RTF level numbers I can convert into the Arabic but the issue with the names only

    We have uploaded the names in the system itself English due to this we are not able to get the data into the Arabic format in the data model level 


    I am looking for the something rtf functions if there is any available please guide me 

    Thank You,


  • Ron-92886
    Ron-92886 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    If you want to catch this in the RTF you can use this code in the field.

    <?if: FIELDNAME='Application Support Analyst'?>Type Arabic text here<?end if?>

    When you will be having more lines you want to translate you could use this:

    <?xdofx:if FIELDNAME='Application Suupport Analyst' then 'ARABIC TEXT HERE' else if FIELDNAME='OTHER VALUES POSSIBLE' then 'ARABIC TEXT HERE' else FIELDNAME end if?>

    The else FIELDNAME part will show the not translated text if any are still there.

    For the Oracle page for this code have a look at this

    I am sure there are other possible solutions for this, so maybe someone else will add these, specially if they are easier.

    Good luck.

  • Koteswararao Yenikepalli
    Koteswararao Yenikepalli Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Thanks for your replay 

    I don't want to convert the particular condition 

    The case we have employee names in the English in the system I want to convert all the names into the Arabic


    Thank you