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Enabling Oracle Fusion BIP report output on Fusion Standard Page by using Dashboard.

In general BIP reports are opening in the Oracle business intelligence application. Here demonstrating how to open any BIP report on the Fusion application standard page or a tab.
Enabling Oracle Fusion BIP report output on Fusion Standard Page by using Dashboard.
Creating a sandbox
Add default sandbox to user
Add Custom Tab to the Standard Page
Navigation: Tools > Page Integration > Page Integration Wizard: Existing Pages
Select the Existing Page by clicking “Add Tab to Existing Page” button.
Navigation to the Existing Page: About Me > Time
- BIP Report to the Dashboard
Create Dashboard Prompt
Navigation: New > Dashboard Prompt
Select a Subject area
Add Prompts
Select Column Prompt by clicking + icon.
Select any attribute from the Subject Area of Date Type. For this example, let us choose Assignment Start Date from Worker Folder (Workforce Management – Person Real Time). Choose Variable Data Type as 'Date'.
Select “Assignment Start Date” for Presentation Variable “Start Date” and “Assignment End Date” for Presentation Variable “End Date”.
Enter Prompt Details
- If you are creating a dashboard prompt for an Oracle BI Publisher report that receives its data from an Oracle BI Server or SQL Server, then you must type "Presentation" in the Variable Name field.
- If you are creating a dashboard prompt, then click the Save button in the prompt's editor, specify the folder in which you want to save the prompt, and give the prompt a descriptive name. Note that dashboard prompts that are saved in personal folders are available only to you. Dashboard prompts that are saved in shared folders are available to other users that have permission to access the object.
BIP Report Date Parameters will be set as yyyy-MM-dd format which compatible for the Presentation Variable Date format in the Dashboard Prompt.
- If you are saving a dashboard prompt for use with an Oracle BI Publisher report that receives its data from a SQL query against the Oracle BI Server, Oracle Database, or other JDBC source, then the dashboard prompt's name must match the name of the report's parameter.
- If you are creating an inline prompt, then save the analysis.
- Create Dashboard
- Navigation: New > Dashboard
- Enter Dashboard Name and save
Add BIP Report to the Dashboard
Select the BIP report from your saved location by navigating under the Catalog. And drag into to the Dashboard layout.
Add Dashboard prompt to Dashborad
Same as Dashboard page, select the Dashboard prompt from your saved location by navigating under the Catalog. And drag into to the Dashboard layout.
- Adding Dashboard to the custom tab
- Navigation: Tools > Reports and Analytics
- Click Browse Catalog Icon. Then the Oracle BI Catalog will be opened.
- Navigation: click the down arrow on the user name appear top left corner of the Fusion application and select the “Customize Pages” link.
- Note:
- Above Add Content Catalog list can be differed based on the page which customizing.
- E.g. Application Content Catalog will be appeared when customize the Structure Page.
- Publishing a sandbox
Once you make all the required changes in a sandbox you need to publish the sandbox for the changes to reflect. Select the sandbox in which you made the changes. Click on publish. Click on yes.
Image Attached.
Important Links:
Variable Prompt:
1. Is it possible to add the new tab in the Manage Invoices page? Cause I tried to follow the step and it was added in the Invoices tab, beside the Overview page.
2. What will be the next step after below instruction? What should I do to the Time page?- Navigation to the Existing Page: About Me > Time
Thank you!
0 - Navigation to the Existing Page: About Me > Time