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Date with time data changes after exporting to Excel from BI publisher report - using NON RTF method

Time data changes after exporting to Excel from BI publisher report - not used rtf template
Hello everyone,
i have date data format in the database as 07-OCT-19 PM. (oracle database).
created datamodel and report based on above date field. properties set like
formating mask: MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
formatting style: Microsoft
ignore user timezone: True.
once i set above properties, in the report editor the date value displaying correctly as 10/07/2019 12:22:29 PM
Whereas once i generate the report and view in the excel output its displaying time as 10/07/2019 06:22:29 PM
why this time is changing? how to avoid this issue? please help me on this really appreciate it.
P.S. i am not using rtf template method design. in 11g getting properly values wheras in 12c getting issue.
please any help on this? any workaround for temporary?
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Hi All, Any help on this request? thanks in advance.
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Hi Srekan.
Looks like you didn't get any reply on this.
It is a RTF template you are working with?
Have a look at the following options.
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I am not using RTF method. BI publisher interactive mode.
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Hello All,
i have created BI publisher report, when i am looking report in interactive mode, it is displaying only 10 records initially, if i need more records to navigate, i have to click right side scrolling button. is there any way where i can display more than 10 records default in interactive mode.
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Hi Srekan.
Yes, there is.
Navigate to your Report Template, click on the table that contains your data and on the Table tab options change the value on "Rows to Display" (see image).
If you are using a PivotTable, I don't think that is possible.