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How to create a data flow using "Enter SQL" option to join two tables

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I want to create a data flow by joining two tables and want to write the join statement using "Enter SQL" option



I want to create a data flow by joining two tables and want to write the join statement using "Enter SQL" option.

This gives me query error.

My requirement is to join tables vb_aggregated_access and vb_inventory_report and the query I am using is

select * from vb_aggregated_access a full outer join
vb_inventory_report b ON LOWER(a.POD_NAME)=LOWER(b.PSM_INSTANCE) ;

>gives me query error

Is there a way to do this in OAC?

Thanks in advance,



  • Aman Jain-Oracle
    Aman Jain-Oracle Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hello Chethana,

    First, you create a data set using your SQL query as a source and then use this data set and the other two tables as a source to your data flow.

    Hope this helps!

    Best Regards,

    Aman Jain

  • Chethana Kumari-Oracle
    Chethana Kumari-Oracle Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Thank you