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OAD5.6: Unable to create connection to Oracle Application using Create Connection

Received Response


Failed to connect to Oracle Application using OAD


Sharing the Error details while trying to connect to Oracle Application while creating connection


OAD 5.6


  • vkm
    vkm Rank 5 - Community Champion

    What is this connection trying to connect to? an ADW database or are you trying to connect to RPD to access subject areas in DV?

  • jagadeesh ramasamy
    jagadeesh ramasamy Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Trying to connect to our analytics/dv URL's using OAD. Instead of developing projects via URL or /dv/ui/   web brower. I am trying to create project using OAD trying to connect to OAS application

  • Oracle Applications connections should /analytics
    I performed a quick test.

    OAD 5.6 MacOS connecting to OAS 5.5 = encountered the same error.
    OAD 5.6 MacOS connectin to OBI = created connection fine,  subject area query works fine.

    OAD 5.6 Windows 10 connecting to the same OAS 5.5 = created connection fine,  subject area query works fine.
    Next, I went back to try again:
    OAD 5.6 MacOS connecting to the same OAS 5.5 = created connection fine,  subject area query works fine.

    So, perhaps I had a typo or something

    I would recommend staying on OAD 5.5 for feature parity with OAS 5.5 for back and for project export/import