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Getting Error while executing HTTP API data action



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Hi team,

While entering URL of the webhost app, through which the embedded graph will be displayed in the web page, is given in the Enter URL placeholder of the selected HTTP Data Action of OAC, we are trying to show a dynamic AGE by GENDER graph where the GENDER is the dynamic parameter having values M & F. I have attached the screenshots where I have given the URL along with the parameter q taking GENDER as column name and have tried once by anchoring data to GENDER column and by undoing it, in both the cases it is showing an error.

The above screenshot shows creation of the HTTP API data action named as API. I have tried with/without anchoring the data to the respective column, here its GENDER.

Above screenshot shows the error after executing the respective data action by right clicking on the AGE by GENDER graph, selecting both M and F( you can see the graph in the first screenshot)

Please suggest as to what should be done to show the graph's dynamicity through parameter(s).

Thanks and regards


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