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Geo JSON File For India's States, Cities and PIN Codes

Accepted answer

Looking for Geo JSON file which can provide India's State, City and PIN Codes spatial boundaries data. In the below link I can find India's State & City but I'm specifically looking for PIN Codes -

Let me know any pointers.

Best Answer


  • ALOK SH-Oracle
    ALOK SH-Oracle Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hi Saurabh,

    I would suggest to raise SR for this .I think they will provide.

  • Federico Venturin
    Federico Venturin Rank 7 - Analytics Coach
  • It isn't Oracle's role to provide you every kind of GeoJSON file you could need. They provide some as reference, just like some custom plugins are also available, but it isn't meant as Oracle being the official provider for whatever kind of GeoJSON users would need.

    Go online and find what you need or build it yourself based on other sources you can find online.

  • ALOK SH-Oracle
    ALOK SH-Oracle Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Yes, you are correct they will provide only some reference GeoJSON file then we have to change it accordingly as per need.