Terminations Report
I am currently trying to create a terminations report. I cannot find the following:
- Termination Action
- Termination Reason
I am using the Workforce Management - Work Relationship Real Time subject area. I have looked in all the folders and I would expect it to appear under Work Relationship Details, next to Termination Date but it doesn't.
Any idea where it could be held?
Please take a look at this post https://appsconnect.oracle.com/posts/92773a1882 which contains a spreadsheet that documents the Fusion HCM R11 subject areas and columns.
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Good Morning,
For Termination Reason we use the "SA" Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Real Time.
And then the folder Worker Assignment Details, and drop in the Title "Leave Reason"This gives us a detail grapg and analytics. Picture attached is our test data but as you see it shows the reasons
I do hope this helps0 -
Hi Clifford
Thanks for this. However, this does not appear in that folder; it shows the other variables, such as termination date and recommended for rehire but not termination reasons/action. I've had a look in the file which shows all the different variables within each subject area for HCM and I still can't find it
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You can do a cross subject area report using work relationship real time and assignment event real time.
The 'HR Action' and 'HR Action reason' folders in assignment event real time will have the attributes that you have mentioned.
I have done a sample using assignment event real time only.Thanks
Raghu1 -
Hi Experts,
I want a report to fetch employee's who applied resignation whether it is approved or not he should come in the report. Approval going for manager and HR. Whether approval status can be tracked in report?
If any report available for this please share.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks and Regards,
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Hi Raghavendra,
I am also looking for the Termination Action field in the report. I need to filter out anyone who was terminated with action "Global Transfer". Using the "HR Action" and filtering out "Global Transfer" also removes any active employees who were globally transferred. In my report I am looking for all Active and Terminated employees, but I do not want to see terminations that are coded "Global Transfer" because those employees are not terminated - they're currently active.
Any suggestions on how I can achieve the desired outcome?
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Hi Raghu,
Thank you very much for this report. It is similar to what we are running however it is only displaying future dated terminations. It does not seem to pull past dated. Have you had this issue before?
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This is my first post, thank you for the solution to this I found it useful.