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Extracting Configuration Options via OBIEE
Hi All
I've been asked to try and export the configuration options of expenses (Setup and Maintenance > Manage Policies By Expense Category). Now, I can export the expenses into a report easily, but can't seem to grab the configuration options for each individual expense (not sure if it is even possible!). I've attached an image to show what I am trying to export (basically everything on the image, so Rate Definitions, Rate Determinants etc.) If it is possible, how would I go about doing this?
If you are looking to write a BIP SQL Query to get the Information , then this info might help you.
Since all the Policies are categorized based on the Expense Category, there will be multiple tables based on categories.
One Such example would be EXM_ACCOM_POLICIES . By just doing a select * , you may not get all the information , but definitely a good starting point.
Here is a link to all the Expense Related Tables :