Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

Report Employee Photo in Custom Dashboard



Is there a way to display an employee photo in a custom dashboard?


We have a custom Talent Profile dashboard and I am wondering if there is a way to pull employee photos into the dashboard so they can be printed on the report?

Thank you!



  • Hi Brenda,

    To display employee picture in the dashboard, you have to store all your employee pictures in a web folder and should accessible using the https url.

    Example :

    Store the employee picture with employee id.(Ex: ID001.jpg,ID002.jpg)

    Use the below syntax to create a new formula column in your analysis report and select the HTML values in the Data Format (refer the attached screenshot).

    Formula  Sample : '<img src="' ||TRIM(CAST("Employee_ID_Field" AS CHAR)) ||  '.jpg">'

    Let me know if this resolve your issue.


    Dynasoft Synergy


  • Hi Brenda,

    To display employee picture in the dashboard, you have to store all your employee pictures in a web folder and should accessible using the https url.

    Example :

    Store the employee picture with employee id.(Ex: ID001.jpg,ID002.jpg)

    Use the below syntax to create a new formula column in your analysis report and select the HTML values in the Data Format (refer the attached screenshot).

    Formula  Sample : '<img src="' ||TRIM(CAST("Employee_ID_Field" AS CHAR)) ||  '.jpg">'

    Let me know if this resolve your issue.


    Dynasoft Synergy



  • Hi Manoj,

    Thank you for your response.  I'm not sure if my company will go for storing photos that way, but this solution is a definite possibility.  I have moved in the direction of trying to extract the employee photos directly from the table using a DM.  I am hoping to be able to show that in a report that can be pulled into the dashboard.  Have you been able to get that method working?  Here is the SQL from my DM, but I still haven't been able to get the image to show in the report.

    select per_all.person_number,
    from fusion.PER_IMAGES per_i,
    fusion.PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F per_all,
    fusion.PER_PERSON_NAMES_F_V per_name
    where upper(PRIMARY_FLAG) = 'Y'
    and per_i.PERSON_ID = per_all.PERSON_ID
    and per_all.PERSON_ID = per_name.PERSON_ID
    and per_name.name_type = 'GLOBAL'

    Thank you!


  • Hi Brenda,

    Please send us sample data (dummy data) for your SQL. This will help us to understand in which format  the image data is stored in the database. Based on that we can suggest if there is a  solution/workaround to resolve the issue.


    Dynasoft Synergy

  • Hi Manoj,

    I'm Brenda's colleague from Hungary and work as HRIS.

    How can we upload all our employee photos to the WEB folder and which folder?

    do we need a special tool or script for this (I didn't find any options/solution) ?

