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Need to remove delete option of report from BI Abstract role

We have created BI abstract roles for giving access to reports.
how to remove delete option of report for those users in BI catalog?
Hi Nivya,
Were you able to do this.
If yes can you please let me know what was done?
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@Sahil Makhiza and @Nivya Mathire
I understand you are asking a question regarding Permissions Framework essentially.
You can control the Delete Privilege by manipulating the permissions, Have a look at this screenshot :
You will see this prompt when you click on 'More' for any BI object and then click on 'Permissions'. Then you can click the 'Permissions' drop down for the user or role for whom you want to remove the delete permission and then select Custom, from the 'Custom Permissions' popup uncheck the permissions you don't want that user or role to have.
Documentation related to permissions is available here :
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Gaurav Bharadwaj