Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server

Filter Top 10 Values Not Performing As Expected

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Lets say I have 40 rows of data....

One row contains two fields:

Report (case when TRIM(BOTH FROM SUBSTRING("Topic"."Webcat Path" FROM LOCATE('/',"Topic"."Webcat Path", -1)+1)) = 'Employee Headcount - Detail' then '2. Employee Headcount - Detail' else TRIM(BOTH FROM SUBSTRING("Topic"."Webcat Path" FROM LOCATE('/',"Topic"."Webcat Path", -1)+1)) end)


# of Times Requested (Measure:"Measures"."Query Count")

When I try to filter on top 10 values there are only 4 results returned....How is this possible?  There are 40 records so I know that there are more than 4...

I remember running into something like this while using a top 25 while using Tableau...  I think it had something to do with the data being filtered at the source and not in the presentation layer...  Can someone help me to understand the issue and provide a solution if possible....

Fields that are not being used in the current compound view are as follows:

UserName, Year, Month & Month Number

Filter Criteria:



  • Thomas Dodds
    Thomas Dodds ✭✭✭✭✭

    What about getting your 40 rows ... then using Selection Steps to only keep the top ten.

  • Right now I have it sorted descending with only 10 rows showing at one time as the default setting...  Which is a good work around for the situation.  However, I'm just wondering what is going on that is causing the issue to begin with so that I can be aware of the root cause of the issue and whether or not it would effect any other reports that I currently have or any reports  I will complete in the future.

  • Thomas Dodds
    Thomas Dodds ✭✭✭✭✭

    Not having your RPD and reports in front of me it is very hard to tell you what's going on ... PS:  the sort with rows displayed as 10 is my preferred way ... user can swap the sort and have the bottom 10 or any set of ten between ... it's actually a much more useful thing.  Call it Top/Bottom 10

  • Thanks for the input.  I'll keep this method at the forefront of my mind