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Auditing Reports to capture changes to the Permissions of the BI Catalog objects

Organization Name
There is already audit reports to BI Publisher catalog objects, as doc bellow:
Those reports don't capture changes made on objects permission (I have confirmed this on a MOS Service Request), so I would like to have a report to do this kind of audit (user name, date/time, object path and object name).
Use Case and Business Need
We have many custom reports in BI Publisher and each folder / object has it's own permission levels.
If any user change an object's permission, actually there is no way to audit who and when made this change.
Would be nice to add this kind of audit into Audit Reports In BI Publisher For Fusion.
Original Idea Number: 442f68cfcf
great idea
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Business needs to keep a track of any changes that are made on BI Objects as well. If we could have a report which tracks this changes, it will be of lot of help.
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This would be of significant help, as this is always a mystery who changed the permission and when did it happen.
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important to keep track of who can view which data.
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This would be a great value-add.
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We need to closely monitor access to a variety of reports in order to avoid compliance issues. Such a report would help greatly.
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Exactly what I need!!
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Exactly as the author of this idea has described in their Use Case
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Would be extremely useful to assist with audit trails.
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Much Needed feature as there are many custom report we will be using and if audit trail is present then its going to give clarity who has made the changes.
We faced this issue in fusion one day all the permissions has been changes for custom report and no one has any idea who has changed them.