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Building Semantic Models in Oracle Analytics Cloud
A semantic model is a metadata model that contains physical database objects that are abstracted and modified into logical dimensions.
It is designed to present data for analysis according to the structure of the business.
You can read about Semantic Models in the following documentation links:
What Is a Semantic Model?
Workflow to Build a Semantic Model
Here you can look at:
- Understand Semantic Modeler
- Request Permissions to Use Semantic Modeler
- Create the Semantic Model
- Build the Physical Layer
- Build the Logical Layer
- Build the Presentation Layer
- Test and Validate the semantic model
Here are 2 great videos from the Oracle Analytics channel describing how to build a Semantic Model.
Collaborative Development for Oracle Analytics Semantic Layers
This first video shows how the integration with Git works when working with a Semantic Model and multiple developers
This second video shows the different options available when building a Semantic Model using the Web Based Semantic Modeler.
It gets you started with building the model and it shows the different features and resources available.
Web Based Semantic Modeler for Oracle Analytics
This is another great article about the Semantic Modeler
The Semantic Modeler in Oracle Analytics Cloud