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Users are trying to view the reports but they are getting "Error 401 – Unauthorized”

Received Response
User_CGBX8 Rank 2 - Community Beginner

When a user leave an analytics page idle for about 30mins user gets Error 401 – Unauthorized instead of logging out this issue occurs intermittently when user leave the page idle for say about 30mins SSO used is Kerberos.

Any inputs would be appreciated thank you


  • Selvam Muthiah-Oracle
    Selvam Muthiah-Oracle Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    The following setting was changed on SAML Configuration settings : from support Document

    <ns2:Conditions NotBefore="<time_1>" NotOnOrAfter="<time_2>">





    Modified To

    <ns2:AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="<time_3>" SessionIndex="<index>">






    Notice that NotBefore="<time_1>" NotOnOrAfter="<time_2>" is not present in the modified setting. This SAML AuthenStatement optional parameter was somehow causing the JSESSIONID to keep changing on OAC side when the time out was reached

  • User_CGBX8
    User_CGBX8 Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    @Selvam Muthiah-Oracle Thank you for the response. Will check this.

  • User_CGBX8
    User_CGBX8 Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    @ User_CGBX8 SAML is not used here instead MSAD Kerberos SSO is used.

    Can you please check what configurations can be checked