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DV Parameter values refresh (OAS) - just at the workbook opening ?

I have a question (I guess it should be targeted to Product Development/Mgmt):
When I define for DV parameter possible values/inital value via Logical SQL, when those logical SQL are executed (thus possible/initial values for parameter are populated) ?
A) Are they just executed once during DV workbook opening (thus only once when working with DV workbook) ?
B) Are they executed also when I perform data refresh in DV workbook (which would be preferred option, since data for logical SQL could change in the meantime while staying in workbook) ?
My observation is that option A is valid, but I want to be sure, that this is made "by design".
When I receive confirmation for my assumption, I will most probably create Idea for refreshing possible values/inital value for parameter when doing data refresh in DV workbook.
Thanks and regards
Best Answer
Hi Michal,
My apologies. I thought i had submitted my response but apparently not.
I have discussed & confirmed that workbook data refresh does NOT reset the parameter values (initial, available), but in general agreement that we should.
I have a backlog story created and will prioritize, once we have delivered our current commitments on parameters.
(Current workaround in the interim is a browser refresh).
Thanks, for the feedback.
@Avinash Krishnaram-Oracle might be able to provide more information.
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@Michal Zima I think you are right. But i am confirming and will update this thread.
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@Avinash Krishnaram-Oracle Thanks - I will wait for confirmation.
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@Avinash Krishnaram-Oracle Can you, pls confirm ? Thnks
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Hi Avinash, thanks for confirmation, it would be good to refresh/reset parameter values based on data refresh.