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Configurable Labels on First/Last/Min/Max on line charts
In line chart visualization types, give users an option to add labels on 1 or more of the following:
- Min presented value
- Max presented value
- Earliest/First presented value
- Latest/Final presented value
This will allow users to design effective line charts that have some context on magnitude, but are not polluted with labels on every value
Excellent idea. Please get more votes! + @Avinash Krishnaram-Oracle
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bumping this.
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You can already do it.
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Using the same concept, here is a trellis line chart showing the/max for each order priority and highlighting above and below-average sales on the chart.
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Thanks Gabby, this is the workaround that I and others have used in the past. However! I don't like that it adds new measures to the values shelf which show up on the legend, in tooltips, etc…
An out of the box feature to allow min/max/first/last labels would just be better for developers and report users.
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In an upcoming update, we plan to allow user folders within the My Calc section. This will allow you to better organize your calculations and possibly place these 'visual measures' in a separate folder, which will not mix with more important calculations. More flexibility on Legend is needed, and we plan for it; on the tooltip, I'm not sure I see an issue with this scenario, as it will only show up when you point to it, which is what you might want. Regardless, custom tooltips are also coming relatively soon.
In general, I'm not in favor of single-use features for specific use cases when a multi-purpose feature with more flexibility can achieve the same. From my point of view, there are dozens of scenarios of marks on a viz that someone might want to create, and adding a feature for each one might save a bit of space on the My Calc section for specific users but will overwhelm the property sheet for all users.
However, this is the ideaLab, so the community might choose to disagree with me.
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Flexibility on legend sounds promising, especially ability to in/exclude elements.
I think casual users will benefit from an out of the box feature that gives some useful labels they otherwise wouldn't consider unless presented with it as an option, and power users benefit from not having to do repeated work across multiple metrics.
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It would be also desirable to have the option to set the label for the line part in the combo to be 'once right' or 'once left' so we avoid ugly overlaps like below
and then actual value for lines would be nicely displayed only once to the left/right of the line in the graph.
Voting up. Thanks.