Thanks for the answers, Federico and Michal. It's good to get validation of my experience and helpful to see your list, Michal.
I ran into Pravin, PM for Semantic Modeler at Oracle CloudWorld, and he confirmed that the export spreadsheet is not in the software yet (but planned). Oracle, if you are watching this, please do know that until you truly have replicated ALL the functionality, you cannot really kill the old BI Admin Tool. Sorry, but we developers COUNT ON these features. 90% replacement is not good enough. Oh, and I'll add that the auto-diagramming of the joins needs work. Invariably, the diagram of MY joins spreads tables way out and I spend too much time rearranging the tables on the page to even look at it. I'm sure it "demos well", with the schemas you demo it with, but in real life it needs work.
However, even with these flaws, I prefer working in the web-based modeler....I know it's the future.
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How to produce lineage documentat in (new web-based) Semantic Modeler?
Folks, we are now trying to use the new semantic modeler exclusively in our projects. Bye, BI Admin Tool!
But, we use the lineage spreadsheet produced by the BI Admin tool to document how the semantic model runs. For example, we can share with others on the project team (and even power users) how a presentation column is derived in the data warehouse.
Our current workflow is to do our edits in Semantic Modeler, adn then export a RPD, load into BI Admin Tool, then produce our reports via:
select Tools…Utilities…Repository Documentation…Execute
Really? The Semantic Modeler is to be a complete replacement for BI Admin Tool. Is there a way to produce Repository Documentation from the semantic modeler? I'm not seeing it.
Best Answers
Hi @Dan Vlamis ,
AFAIK it's not possible to produce the Repository Documentation directly from the Semantic Modeler. You have to export it as RPD file and use the Admin tool.
From the Semantic Modeler you can use the "Show Lineage" feature on a given object (e.g. a presentation table) to display a diagram with the lineage about the select object, but you cannot export it.
My understanding is that the Semantic Modeler is going to replace the Admin tool in the future, but now some features are not available/supported yet.
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Hi @Dan Vlamis @Federico Venturin ,
I had (almost year ago, not sure whether since than there has been some improvements) very short opportunity to "play around" with Semantic Modeler (as we are OAS customer, where Semantic Modeler is still not available even in Preview) in OAC and there are plenty of BI Admin Tool functionality missing (or not working correctly) in Semantic Modeler what I discovered during this short period of "trial" in OAC (apart of working with relational data sources so far - which is not that big issue for us) - just to name a few:
1) Missing Utilities in Semantic Modeler
In Web based Semantic Modeler, there are useful utilities in Tools - Utilities menu. We use some of them very extensively - those are:
- Replace Column or Table in Logical Table Source
- Rename Wizard
- Set Permissions in Bulk
2) Permission set on Presentation Layer - in RPD
When setting for role "Authenticated User" permission (on Subject Area level) "No Access", in exported RPD, permission for this role is "transformed" into "Read" permission. This is unwanted behavior.
3) Diagram functionality lacks flexibility of BI Admin Tool
4) Changes in logical column names not propagated to presentation columns
In RPD when you rename logical column and you have set property in presentation column "Use logical column name", presentation column name has been reflecting changes of name in corresponding logical column.
This feature is not available in Semantic Modeler
5) Renaming presentation column/tables is not creating aliases automatically
Renaming presentation column/tables is not creating aliases automatically as it is in BI Admin Tool.
Instead, you have to create "aliases" manually to avoid breaking analysis/prompts using the old names.
Not very handy and comfortable - step back in comparison with BI Admin Tool
So there is still quite a lot of work to be done in Semantic Modeler to be adequate replacement of BI Administration Tool.
Addition :
Refer -
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Thanks for the answers, Federico and Michal. It's good to get validation of my experience and helpful to see your list, Michal.
I ran into Pravin, PM for Semantic Modeler at Oracle CloudWorld, and he confirmed that the export spreadsheet is not in the software yet (but planned). Oracle, if you are watching this, please do know that until you truly have replicated ALL the functionality, you cannot really kill the old BI Admin Tool. Sorry, but we developers COUNT ON these features. 90% replacement is not good enough. Oh, and I'll add that the auto-diagramming of the joins needs work. Invariably, the diagram of MY joins spreads tables way out and I spend too much time rearranging the tables on the page to even look at it. I'm sure it "demos well", with the schemas you demo it with, but in real life it needs work.
However, even with these flaws, I prefer working in the web-based modeler....I know it's the future.
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Thanks Dan. Understood. Right now there are still things you will need to do with the command-line or admin tool. Semantic Modeler is a work in progress!