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Action Needed: Migrate your Custom Decks, Cards and KPI's very soon!
You must've received a notification about upcoming changes to App-Shell users. Below Announcement goes over the upcoming changes in detail
Important Announcement - Decks, Cards, and KPIs will be replaced early 2024 — oracle-products
If not already, please formulate a plan to use the provided Migration Utility
FAW Custom Decks, Cards, and KPIs Migration Utility Now Available — oracle-products
We highly suggest following sequence of steps.
- Review the upcoming changes and formulate a migration plan for your development/test instance(s).
- Use the utility and migrate custom Decks, Cards, KPI's on development/test instance(s).
- Have a handful of users test the migrated content.
- Formulate a communication plan to your production business users on upcoming changes.
- Migration on Production
- Roll out the migrated content to business.
- Completely stop usage of App-Shell Cards, Decks KPI's.
We recommend you wrapping this migration exercise by mid-December on Development instances and by mid-January 2024 on production instances.
Any questions? Please let us know.
Its almost December! Have you been able to migrate the above content yet? Did you run into any issues? We would like to hear from you regarding your experience.
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If you haven’t yet migrated your custom content, please target the end of January for moving to the new OAC-based experiences. You can run the utility whenever you want. If you haven’t run the Content Migration Utility in your Production environment by January 26th we will run it for you.
To summarize, Decks, Cards, and KPIs will be replaced in 24.R1. If you want to use custom AppShell-based workflows after the 24.R1 release, you must migrate them to Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC)-based experiences. KPIs, Decks, and Cards (the “AppShell-based workflow”) won’t be present in 24.R1 (early 2024). From a LCM perspective, an ability to migrate the new Key Metrics artifacts as part of Content Bundles is now available as a limited-availability feature. Log a Service Request if you need this turned on. Also log a Service Request if you’ve completed your migration and want to turn off these experiences.
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Gentle reminder. Please target running the Content Migration Utility in your Production environment this week.
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A few additional points
- You can run the Migrate Custom Content utility in Dev or Prod whenever you like.
- If you’re done with KPI’s Decks and Cards and don’t want users still seeing or using these experiences, you can log an SR and we’ll turn them off for you.
- If you’re moving migrated content across instances and want to include Key Metrics in the Bundles feature you can also log an SR and we’ll turn this on and share the documentation.
- You can also turn off the Banner Message using a switch on the Migrate Custom Content utility page if you feel that message is no longer needed.
Additional links
· About Migrating Content – Feature and methodology
· Benefits and Overview/Rationale
· How Oracle Builds FDI Content Post-migration – Useful for understanding and extending factory content