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Enable “Keep only” function even in the Dashboard when using hierarchy

I'd like to talk about hierarchy In Analytics, we can select "Keep only " options
to drill down to the exact hierarchy levels
But Analytics in the Dashboard,
I cannot select option to drill down to the exact hierarchy levels and Keep only related,
no “Keep Only” function is enabled when I import the analytics
So It would be greate if we can use “Keep only” related functions even in the Dashboard when using hierarchy.
It would Increase freedom and flexibility of analysis.
Thanks & regards
Jason Jang
You should better read documentation first. To be able to allow all interactions in analysis exposed on dashboard, you need to allow those interactions in Analysis Property (since by default not all interactions are "switched on"). See attached screenshot. Next time, better use discussion forum instead creating Idea for something which is in product, but you are lacking the knowledge of product. Thanks
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@Michal Zima Thanks for your detailed explanation, It really helped me a lot. 👍️
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I made a new idea "When selecting a Hierarchy level, customer want to open and close all the desired levels at once." after I suggest the way Michal Zima answered. but customer wants more functions than now OAC currently has, thanlks