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OAC Datavizualisation : Adding parameters in the Dataviz URL

I have created some Dataviz reports that contains filters (the report is connected to PBCS)
Then in PBCS I have created an action menu in which I've added the URL to DV, with the action link I want to be able to navigate from a PBCS form to DV while passing the form parameters to DV as filters,
I have done this before in OAC because dashboard parameters were displayed in its URL but it is not the case for DV.
I suggest that in the DV URL we also add the dashboard/Canvas filters
Please see if this describes what you need:
(passing a value on a DV workbook URL to a parameter than can be mapped to a filter on the canvas)
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Hello Mike,
Thank you so much this was so helpful.
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Hello Mike,
I do not see "Open on a new tab" as an option.
I only see "Open", and when i open it the URL does not show any parameters.
Any Advice, please ?
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What version are you on @Marcelo Finkielsztein ? See link to a tutorial below so if the version you are on supports this feature then you can create the URL with project.jsp manually.
You won't see parameters on the URL when you open the workbook, you have to add those.
This tutorial may also help:
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March is rolling out soon but you should see the option to open in new tab in January. I'm not sure why you don't see it. However, as mentioned earlier, you can manually create the form of the URL with the project.jsp.
Something like this:
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Will try. Thanks.
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@Marcelo Finkielsztein the reason you do not see the Open In a New Tab option is likely that you enabled the option to always open in a new tab (in the home page customization dialog). Once you ask for it to always open in a new tab, there is only one 'open' option.