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Share Visualizations Using Workbook Email Schedules

You can use scheduled emails to share data visualizations from a workbook and keep recipients up-to-date with the latest data.
Be aware that this feature is currently available for preview (Enterprise Edition only). Ask your administrator to enable the Preview Workbook Email Scheduler feature in System Settings.
For more information on Preview features, see Preview Options
Please refer to the following product documentation for complete details on usage/setup of the Workbook Scheduler
The following topics are covered:
About Creating Workbook Email Schedules: You can set up a schedule to share visualizations from a workbook in PDF file or PNG image format by email with one or more recipients. Schedule hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly emails to keep recipients up-to-date with the latest data.
Create a Workbook Email Schedule: You can set up a schedule to share data visualizations from selected canvases in the workbook with your intended recipients. You can send data visualizations as PDF files or PNG format image files attached to scheduled emails.
Create a Bursting Workbook Email Schedule: Create a bursting workbook email schedule to deliver data visualizations to recipients if the data visualizations contain confidential data that is accessed by specific application roles and user groups configured in Oracle Analytics. Each recipient receives a customized data visualization based on their data access configuration instead of the data access configuration of the administrator user who creates the schedule.
Manage Workbook Email Schedules and Jobs: You can check the status of scheduled jobs and view, edit, or delete schedules of workbook emails.
Please note that in order to share Visualizations using workbook schedules you need to make sure that there is a SMTP server setup in the Data Visualization Console -> Mail Settings.
Once SMTP Server setup is available, the Feature "Schedule" will show up in the Workbook Actions.
this looks Great! Will it be released for OAS at some point?
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@Timothy Dickinson
Since the feature is currently in 'Preview' for Oracle Analytics Cloud, it will be eligible for evaluation and consideration in the next annual update of Oracle Analytics Server update (OAS 2025).
Safe Harbor: Depending upon technical requirements, there is no guarantee the feature will be included, just pointing out, the feature will not be included in the current OAS 2024 release.1