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OAC - BI Server Cache (size, maximum number of entries, etc.)

In OBIEE/OAS, administrators can enable/disable the BI Server cache, and control max cache entries, max entry size and max rows per cache entry in the NQSConfig.INI file.
In OAC, my understanding is that administrators can only enable/disable the BI Server cache from the Console > System Settings page. I have to design and implement a cache strategy for a client and I would like to know what are the default values for max cache entries, max entry size and max rows per cache entry, and whether it's possible to increase them through a SR. I can't find this information in the documentation, or MoS.
Hi @Federico Venturin
Since OAC is a managed service, those internal details are not exposed/shared, and cannot be altered via a Service Request.
Most of the internal configuration are automatically controlled/scaled based your your service instance size.
What Sizing Options Are Available to You?I hope that helps, other comments, welcomed!
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Hi @SteveF-Oracle ,
Thanks for your answer.
I already know the page you shared, but unfortunately it does not mention cache. It would be great if that document can be expanded with information related to cache.
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For on-Prem, you may need to size the cache, but not for a managed service this should not be necessary.
Other elements of caching strategy (seeding, purging, persistence), would apply.
If you do encounter an issue with query caching, please raise a service request.If you have an enhancement request or idea, please raise an Idea Lab request, so that it can be evaluated.
I hope that helps, other comments, welcomed.
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This does not answer your specific questions but you may find it useful for your cache strategy:
Strategies For Using the Cache