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OAC: Automatically Take Snapshot Using Rest API and Store in OCI Bucket

Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

Manage snapshots using Rest API has become more simpler than earlier.

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All steps are similar as mentioned in above link , except "Understand OAuth 2.0 token authentication" .

Detailed steps : -

  1. Create a storage bucket and a folder inside storage bucket.
  2. Generate API Keys for your user, recommendation to have a service user.

Use Terminal in MacOS:

Use below commands in your local laptop Terminal/GitBash to generate Private Key, Public Key and base 64 encoded wrapped private key.

umask 0077; openssl genrsa -out ./file_name.pem 2048

openssl rsa -pubout -in ./file_name.pem -out ./file_name_pub.pem

openssl rsa -pubin -outform DER -in ./file_name_pub.pem | openssl md5 -c

cat file_name.pem| base64 -o file_name-wrapped-private-key.pem

Use GitBash in Windows

umask 0077; openssl genrsa -out ./file_name.pem 2048

openssl rsa -pubout -in ./file_name.pem -out ./file_name_pub.pem

openssl rsa -pubin -outform DER -in ./file_name_pub.pem | openssl md5 -c

Run the below command in any Linux Machine:

cat file_name.pem | base64 -w 0 > file_name-wrapped-private-key.pem

Under API Keys → Click Add API Key →

Click on radio button Paste Public Key → copy content of file_name_pub.pem → paste it in the box under Public Key → Click Add .

3. Instead of creating a confidential application, you can use the Analytics instance IDCS app to get client ID and client secret.

Click Additional Details tab of the OAC instane, Under Identity Provider click on the App:

From the above screenshot :

1: Access token expiration which is by default 100 seconds. If you need more time than it can be changed using edit OAuth Configuration button above this section in the same page.

2 & 3: Using Primary Audience and Scope construct the scope URL as below:

Primary audience:

Scope urn:opc:resource:consumer::all

Scope url:

4&5 : Combine Client ID & Client Secret and convert it into Base64:

Client ID ukov3eqigzdi6375nutaksgzhyjohxha_APPID

Client Secret 98f20a4d-7829-4815-a505-5393778f3e04

Client ID:Client Secret - ukov3eqigzdi6375nutaksgzhyjohxha_APPID:98f20a4d-7829-4815-a505-5393778f3e04

echo -n ClientID:ClientSecret | base64

echo -n ukov3eqigzdi6375nutaksgzhyjohxha_APPID:98f20a4d-7829-4815-a505-5393778f3e04 | base64


4. Generate Bearer Token:

curl --request POST \

--url https://<IDCS-instance> \

--header 'authorization: Basic <base64 encoded clientID:ClientSecret>' \

--header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' \

-d 'grant_type=password&username=<username>&password=<password>&scope=<scope copied from resource section in IDCS confidential application>'

My curl command will look like:

curl --request POST \

--url https://<IDCS-instance> \

--header 'authorization: Basic dWtvdjNlcWlnemRpNjM3NW51dGFrc2d6aHlqb2h4aGFfQVBQSUQ6OThmMjBhNGQtNzgyOS00ODE1LWE1MDUtNTM5Mzc3OGYzZTA0' \

--header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' \

-d 'grant_type=password&username=<username>&password=<password>&scope='

Output will look like this:

From the above the token is marked in between () in red.

create a JSON file called
new_snapshot.json that looks like this:

    "type": "CREATE",
    "name": "myfirstsnapshot",
    "storage": {
        "type": "OCI_NATIVE",
        "bucket": "mysnapshot-bucket",
        "auth": {
            "type": "OSS_AUTH_OCI_USER_ID",
            "ociRegion": "us-ashburn-1",
            "ociTenancyId": "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaa...",
            "ociUserId": "ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaayuvg...",
            "ociKeyFingerprint": "ae:df:79:d2:...",
            "ociPrivateKeyWrapped": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0EgUFJJVkFURSBLRVktLS0tL..."
    "bar": {
        "uri": "file:///myfolder/",
        "password": "snapshotPassword123"

Then run the cURL command calling the JSON:

curl -i \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --request POST 'https://<hostname>/api/20210901/snapshots' \
  -d @new_snapshot.json

5. Automate Snapshot Backup:

Create a shell script for the token generate command constructed in Step 4 and name it as

Update the below details in

Run can be scheduled in any server in OCI or that have connectivity to the OAC instance using crontab or any other scheduling tool.


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