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DV Datasets combined with Classic Analytics Subject Areas

What are the requisites a Dataset in DV must fulfill in order to be able to combine it with a Subject Area in Classic Analytics? Please, see the image below…
Thank you.
Create a Local Subject Area based off the Subject Area
Create a Dataset from a Local Subject Area0 -
Please check Blend Datasets documentation :
Datasets that use Oracle Essbase or Oracle EPM Cloud connections aren't available for blending.
And blending of datasets is for workbooks. for classic you can add content from other subject area based of the same BMM.
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Sorry but I don't understand your answers. The Datasets on the picture highlighted in yellow with green icons are Datasets created in DV by importing XLS files. When I repeat the steps now, with a Dataset created in DV by importing an XLS file I am not able to see them on this screen where I'd be able to combine them with Sales Order Lines Subject Area for example as it's my intention. Thanks.
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You need to create a Workbook for blending and not use classic analysis reports. File based datasources are only supported in datasets, they are not supported for rpd/semantic model. Check supported datasource doc here :
Any blending between subject area and file based dataset has to be done using workbooks and not answers reports.
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Thank you @GayathriAnand-Oracle but actually I am able to join the DV Dataset with a Subject Area as long as I am using common columns from both sources in the report. Please, see below:
…and I am getting results…
Thank you.
Best regards,