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Join between two date columns from separate tables

Claudia Ogrezeanu-Oracle
Claudia Ogrezeanu-Oracle Rank 2 - Community Beginner

Best Answer

  • It's not really clearer. Let's start with the basics: What are the columns in your file? How are you trying to count what?


  • Hi,

    First, keep in mind this is a public forum and not an internal Oracle forum…

    You talk about something that you assume everybody know, while it isn't really the case. What do your dataset looks like? What have you done exactly, where, and how?

    Well, more details are needed if you want a more precise reply.

  • Hello Claudia,

    You may not like the answer but it's correct. We do not know what you are attempting and you are not providing any pertinent information from your end.

    You make reference to "the file". What is that? Is that a data set? Is that multiple data sets? Is it one multi-table data sets?

    What does the file contain?

    Etc. etc.

  • Nevermind, I figured it out myself.

    @Claudia Ogrezeanu-Oracle this forum is a public forum where people come looking for answers - like you yourself did when you posted your initial question.

    It would be common courtesy to post the solution in addition to saying you solved it.

    Other people may be looking for the same answer.

  • Claudia Ogrezeanu-Oracle
    Claudia Ogrezeanu-Oracle Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Hi Gianni,

    Sure. I changed the scenario, you do not really need to know what those are - I am asking only how to combine two data fields into one dimension.

    Dataset (simplistic form)

    1. Open orders

    Month Open orders

    Jan 2021 400

    Feb 2024 500

    2. Closed orders

    Month Closed orders

    Jan 2021 500

    Feb 2023 100

    3. The output I am trying to get is this:

    Month Open Closed

    Jan 2021 400 500

    Feb 2023 0 100

    Feb 2024 500 0

    I put the situation in a very simplistic way, I have 95 columns, but just for illustration purposes.

    I tried having one file for open orders, one for closed orders (the same, but a copy), tried to do a full outer join in the dataset.

    I hope it is clearer now.



  • Claudia Ogrezeanu-Oracle
    Claudia Ogrezeanu-Oracle Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Hi Cristian,

    The solution I found: I created a new date dimension.

    Hope this helps.


  • Gianni Ceresa
    edited May 28

    Thread closed!

    It has been abused enough…

    Deleting the content of the question for whatever reason after replies are posted is not really how one should behave in a public, community, forum.

This discussion has been closed.