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Primavera Analytics Map

Good day,
We are currently busy creating a GIS Map Analytics/Dashboard for the business.
We are in the energy sector, so we are struggling to plot Powerlines, Transformers, & Substations on our current map, we suspect it's because the data has not been captured in Primavera P6. Are there any fields currently that we can use in P6 to capture this data?
Currently we only have the following fields under location " GPS Coordinates, Province/State, Address, and no fields to capture Power Lines, Transformers, and Power Stations
Best Answer
Here's a link to the Oracle Analytics Cloud maps documentation if you want details on map visualizations in OAC. Good luck!
Your question is about Primavera P6 and not an Oracle Analytics product, you should ask in a forum covering the Primavera product.
Have a look at , it gives links to the forums covering Oracle Primavera.
edit: MOS links do not work in here… keeping it simple, pick the best category in
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This is probably the wrong forum for a P6 issue? It doesn't appear to be a Primavera Analytics as such but more of a P6 issue. You might get more help in the Primavera P6 forums
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I think I phrased the question wrong, how do I visualize line, point and polygon feature on a Oracle Analytics according to layer symbology
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Could you elaborate a bit more on your requirement? Can you provide an example of what you're trying to achieve to direct the assistance that you may get on here?
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we want to show all three features( Point, Line and polygon) with symbology according chosen attribute field