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Name changes for Columns added via "Add Columns" Step, automatically reflected in dependent steps
Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):
Description :
We require improvements in the overall behavior of Dataflow step validation,that when changing of a Column Name, created via ADD COLUMNS step, for that Name Change to be automatically reflected in all downstream dataflows steps which referenced the OLD name to now automatically switch to the NEW column name, thus maintaining consistency and reducing overall dataflow development and maintenance times.
Use Case and Business Need :
This is required as BI Developers need to be provided with an optimal environment for developing and maintaining complex dataflows, and when being required to make a name change to an existing column being computed in the dataflow, all other steps with dependencies to that column name should automatically be adjusted.
More Details
Sample error message in OAC 8.0 instance, sample instance being used
Further details can be found in object 'ADRIAN.N.NEDELCU@ORACLE.COM'.'DF_Column_Name_Change' in the referenced instance.
Much needed - we had to convert everything to a Manual Query because of the business' requirements to change the name which had downstream impacts & caused so many errors.