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Spacer Background themes - Oracle Analytics

Accepted answer
Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

Hii…..We want to add some amazing themes/Background in our spacers of Analytics canvas . We couldn't find it , Can anyone provide some urls or resources for this ? To give an idea, something like the image below(Top horizontal spacer theme ) .


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Best Answer

  • Answer ✓

    Hi @Hasan Sd

    I understand your question better now, thank you for clarifying.

    In the visualization properties itself, you can use a fill color, which as you observed is solid.

    For custom backgrounds, you can obtain background images from anywhere (internet) or create your own. The image can be file upload or URL.

    For example, I have used an image of the Milky Way Galaxy as a spacer, but the options are endless and up to your creativity and team resources.


  • edited September 2024

    Hi Hasan, please update your display name to the community knows whom we are communicating with :-)

    You can add background images in the Workbook properties, Canvas properties, and Visualization properties.

    In your case, for a banner, you can add the "spacer" visualization and set the background image in the properties. The image can be file upload or URL.

  • @User_Y6C7L , does the above answer your question, or are you asking about something different?

  • Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Hii @SteveF-Oracle ,Thanks for the reply .However ,I'm looking for patterned background instead of plane colours . Does OCA has this feature ? or can you suggest some example urls please.


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