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Data Flow UNION: Need Option to Auto Union even if columns are missing or not aligned

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We have a few datasets that require a UNION join however many columns are not found between each dataset. It would be great to have an option auto union & have the data flow fill in the gaps where columns are not always found between each one without having to painstakingly create a blank columns that are missing.

2 votes

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  • I guess the question would be, which is worse? If you have one dataset with 30 columns and one with 28, you will either need to create two dummy columns in one or, alternatively, map the 28 out of 30 to the 28 existing one so the system will know which two columns are the missing ones. We can use the existing matching logic of column order (first 28) or column name, but I don't think we can safely assume that these are the common use cases and some column-to-column matching will need to exist to do this in a reliable way.