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OAC - DV Dataset - data file size limitation
Hi Team, I am looking for OAC - DV dataset - data file size restrictions/limitation
I have a usecase, where customer to upload 3 GB of data file using OAC - DV dataset for analysis and keep refreshing it on weekly basis. This usecase is limited to 3 power users only for now. please suggest if there are any limitation to individual users on file size, column count etc.
Best Answers
@Ankit Gupta.-Oracle - Oracle Analytics Cloud has a fixed 250 GB storage quota for data files that's shared across all users. The limit for an individual user is 50GB. Oracle recommends that you delete unused datasets to free up storage space. When users leave the organization, administrators can delete their unused datasets to free up storage space for others.
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The storage size for Oracle Analytics Cloud data files is 250 GB. This is shared across all users. The limit is 50 GB for a single user.
OAC Sizing options: