How to automatically update analyses after RPD presentation table changes?
Hi all
We have a presentation table in our RPD's presentation layer that represents our date dimension. It was initially a small dimension so it was just the presentation table called Date with a few presentation columns underneath: Year, Quarter, Month and Date. With time a lot of presentation columns have been added and we also now have two hierarchies, Calendar and Fiscal. It has grown to the extent that it is now difficult to navigate and we need to improve the usability
We want to reorganise it by using child presentation folders. We want to have the Presentation Table to still be called Date but then have two child presentation folders underneath: Calendar and Fiscal. Then we will group the presentation columns under these two folders.
This obviously will have a huge effect on the current dashboards and analyses as the "path" to the columns will change. The logical SQL will change. Where it used to be SubjectArea.Date.CalendarYear, it will now be SubjectArea.Calendar.CalendarYear
We've got 100's of analyses and to go and edit each one manually will take a very long time. THE QUESTION: Is there any way to automatically update all the analyses with the new reference/path to the reorganised presentation table?
First off -- it is really bad netiquette to post a question and then delete it, as you did yesterday. I spent time writing a reply, only to hit save and find that you'd deleted your question in the meantime.
So, assuming that you don't delete this one :
The proper way: use aliases in your presentation table - although I'm not sure if that'll work across child folders. Failing that, use Catalog Manager to generate a Report and identify which analyses need updating, cross-reference it with Usage Tracking to determine which ones are actually in use - and then manually update. Note that the Logical SQL is generated by Presentation Services at runtime; it's only the presentation columns themselves that are referenced in the saved analysis.
The hacky-unsupported-but-effective-way: BACKUP YOUR WEBCAT and then use find/replace in the XML of your analyses. COMPLETELY UNSUPPORTED AND CAN RUIN YOUR WEBCAT IF YOU GET IT WRONG
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That what Catalog Manager is designed to do with its "Search and Replace XML" functionality.
Search "Date"."Fiscal Year" replace "Fiscal Hierarchy"."Fiscal Year".
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@Christian Berg is right - search and replace within catalog manager is the way to go.
My unsupported bit was assuming some kind of commandline approach with e.g. sed.
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Aliases definitely won't work. After splitting one presentation table into several they can't have same aliases. So plan B: "search and replace".
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Yeap +1 on this
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My humblest and sincerest apologies Robin!!! Thought I had to do a better job of explaining... Won't do that again, I promise
Thanks for the reply. Yes aliases don't work because there is more than one presentation table needing the same alias. Will use the search and replace XML functionality.