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Add Data Flow Save to Database Options
In the Save Data step, we have the option to either "Replace existing data" or "Add new data to existing data". When you choose the Add option, it will just insert the data creating duplicates. It would be nice to have an option to "Merge" or "Upsert" in some method. I don't want to only do inserts. For the Replace option, it would be nice to choose between truncate and reload versus drop and recreate. When I need to do a full replace, it drops the table which also wipes out any database grants and permissions we have put on the table. Being able to select truncate and reload would allow that table to remain unmodified.
I agree with Branden. The lack of the ability to merge in data in some reasonable way really hampers our ability to use Save Data in a realistic production system. A blind "add new data to existing data" is usually ridiculous, except if we had a way to truncate the table ourselves and it could be used to retain all of the grants.
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Yes! Great idea. At the moment, we cannot use this feature in producton & have to find long workarounds to merge data.
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Voted for the Idea.
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Just upvoted. Will be very useful to have.
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Yes, we need this feature as well