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Allow more canvases in DV "Email Schedules (Preview)"

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We are very glad to make use of the features now available with "Email Schedules (Preview)". We currently have a weekly routine of exporting one particular workbook with visuals of interest to our executive team. We currently rely upon a human to manually go through the same steps every week to simply export/email the workbook to the same recipients, week after week. We would make use of the "Email Schedules (Preview)" feature, but it only allows selecting 5 canvases. That falls just short of what we would need for our particular use case.

This is a request to raise the limit from 5 to 10 canvases when scheduling, or give an option for All, similar to manually exporting.

As documented in the user guide, the limitation is currently as stated:

5. In the Include field, select which canvases you want to share visualizations from, up to a total of five canvases.

2 votes

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